Utility Services
Utility bill payments can be made in several ways: Online, by Mail or In Person at City Hall.
Customers can pay their utility bill online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Visa, MasterCard, Discovery and American Express are accepted, as well as electronic check payment and debit card payment (debit card must have Visa or MasterCard logo).
To pay your bill, you will need your account number found on your billing statement or you can obtain it by calling City Hall at (985) 229-3451.
Click HERE to register your account and pay your utility bill online now.
By Mail:
Do not send cash in the mail! Make checks payable to:
Town Of Kentwood
308 Ave G
Kentwood, LA 70444
In Person at City Hall:
Bring your current utility bill to City Hall during business hours. We currently accept cash, check, and money orders. *** Entergy can also be paid in person at City Hall.
As of January 1, 2016, customers paying utility fees late are only allowed one extension. The extension must be signed in-person at City Hall on or before the due date (Due date is the 15th of each month).